Magic Spell
In a world full of magic and mystery, two opposing magical forces exist. Riant, a three-stripped-cat with eyes that shimmer like stars, is a benevolent sorcerer who guards the balance of nature. However, a threat emerges from Master Ryuki, a black mouse with thick fur and eyes harboring darkness.
Riant's journey begins in the forbidden forest, where he encounters magical creatures and undergoes trials to collect ancient mantras. Each victory brings him closer to the heart of darkness where Master Ryuki resides. The growing strength of the Ratticus army poses the greatest challenge to Riant's bravery.
The sorcerer cat must utilize all his powers and wisdom to overcome the darkness threatening the world. Will Riant succeed in defeating Master Ryuki and restoring peace, or will darkness reign supreme?
Status | In development |
Platforms | HTML5 |
Author | Lets Studio |
Genre | Educational |
Made with | Unity |
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